With the turbulent processes on the job market, recruiting has never been more challenging. How to minimize the time and effort of workforce search and contract signing? How to secure the best talent in the competitive environment? How to give an equal footing and timely reach-out to job prospects from all walks of life? What with the plethora of devices and communication channels? How to design a forward-oriented solution? We’ve addressed the burning issues of modern recruitment in the web and mobile product we helped to develop.
Automation and optimization for service efficiency was the rationale behind the itinerary calculator. Responsiveness is a game-changer. Real-time estimates for customers’ requests make your brand a winner. But why not add a bit more value to your business by using an online calculator as a franchise management platform? Building an online bus rental hub and inviting all the service providers to join in on a franchising contract – sounds like business!
Shopping has a therapeutic effect. Want to add more value? What can be more rewarding than the awareness that by purchasing you automatically contribute to a good cause? That’s the mission of the IBuy2Give online platform. Discover how CodeTiburon helped roll up a marketplace and fundraiser platform into one complex solution that benefits all.