Organizing a football match can be frustrating. Coordinating the effort takes ages and tons of nerves. And then someone opts out at the very last moment and the whole enterprise comes tumbling down.
But not with a join-a-game mobile app. Building up a virtual community of football lovers and keeping everyone informed at all times, competing on a global scale – what can be more engaging and stimulating than that!
Tap in for ideas on developing a mobile app to get the ball rolling for football lovers.
Archigram – a mobile app for speed space-sharing and venue arrangements. Our software engineers came up with a lean MVP solution for this unique value proposition.
LINKAVIE’s ambition is to give everyone a chance to preserve the memory and links of an entire lifetime, the events shared with family, friends and even beyond, with colleagues or members of their associations. LINKAVIE lets people build, alone or collaboratively, the memory of their events, but it also allows to relive, long after, the anecdotes and stories from its history. LINKAVIE ENTERPRISE is all about thinking that the history of a company or an association is the story of men and women who share moments and invest time in achieving common goals.