A Remote Agile Team of Developers: Where to Start

Remote Agile Team of Developers
11 minutes
You want to expand your software development business, but have second thoughts about hiring locally due to recruiting and staffing costs? Your wish to increase your development capabilities, but your stakeholders press for more cost-efficiency, and your onsite staff already have a lot on their plate? You need to implement cutting-edge technology, but your local talent pool is scarce? You are not alone here.

Why Hourly Rate is Better Than a Fixed Price for Software Product Development

Time and money
7 minutes

Depending on the character of a project, it is possible to choose one of the two pricing models – Fixed-price (FP) or Time and Materials (T&M). Some projects go well with a FP model, others are not recommended because of high risks incurred for both parties.

We draw a distinct line between the two pricing models in terms of their use. However, our clients sometimes press for signing fixed-price contracts rather than paying per hour regardless. Why would they knowingly choose the no-win option?