Best React Native Developers: Salary, Hiring, Hard and Soft Skills They Should Have

Best React Native developers hard and soft skills
10 minutes
There is no doubt that finding a superb developer is vital. Life instantly gets easier when the people developing your mobile app know their stuff from A to Z. Therefore if you are on the hunt for a React Native developer, you can’t just go with the first run-of-the-mill programmer. You need a pro! But, here’s the issue, how to find that ideal React Native developer? So, if this question keeps you from sleeping at night, I have a cure for your insomnia. This article will shed the light on the problem of hiring a good developer for a project and will help you build up your React Native dream team.

React Native: Two Years of Experience at CodeTiburon

React Native. Two years of experience at CodeTiburon
8 minutes
Ever since Facebook announced at F8 that React Native was open and available on GitHub early in 2015, the framework adoption rate has never slowed down. React Native, the next-gen of React (a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram), is one of those ‘treats’ few IT companies can go past without giving it a try. CodeTiburon wasn’t an exception. Inspired by success stories and eager to join the ever growing community, we decided to venture into the unknown.

React Native vs Native: How to Choose a Platform for Mobile App Development

React Native vs Native_How to choose the best platform for mobile app development
12 minutes
Any software product development starts with choosing the tools, platforms, and frameworks you will use to build it. When choosing a toolset, you should consider answering these three questions: What is the nature of the product? What are the available skills of your development team? Is there a need to hire more developers or outsource some components?