Make the Best out of Your Agile Team

Make the best out of your Agile team
4 minutes
You’ve finished your fancy island tours, come back from a break, and finally assembled the members of your agile team. You’ve got a problem to solve, short-term goals laid out, and you even have a clear idea of your timetable and estimates. What’s your next step? How can you make sure your team can give it their all and produce the best work?

Design Deliverables: Interactive Prototype

Design Deliverables: Interactive Prototype
4 minutes
Design stage involves plenty of activities and has various artefacts as a result of these activities. One of them is an interactive prototype. Also called a clickthrough prototype, this artefact has some significant distinctions from other deliverables provided by UX/UI designers. So what is a prototype?

Business Analyst: Roles and Responsibilities in a Scrum Team

Business Analyst in Scrum
8 minutes
There’s no such thing as a Business Analyst in Scrum. So why bother? Can’t we do without this role? What can possibly go wrong? And how can s/he help in our self-contained and self-organizing Scrum team of software developers? These questions are regularly heard nowadays. And they often hurt the experts in question. In this article, we will try to address them.