How Can Natural Language Processing Impact Recruitment

natural language processing in recruitment
12 minutes

Hiring the right people has never been easy. Imagine doing it entirely via your laptop at the time of social distancing, economic crisis, and major workforce shift.

While recruiters and hiring managers are struggling to turn a high-touch process of recruitment into a 100% virtual journey, there is a technology ready to ease their pains.

Enter: Natural Language Processing.

What are Progressive Web Apps and How to Develop Once

how to create progressive web application
17 minutes

As an online business, you know that unless you’re WhatsApp, Tinder, or LinkedIn, your native app has a slim chance of making it to your users’ mobiles. And your website is too old to survive the Mobilegeddon.

There’s a solution! Progressive web apps. Forbes, for one, dumped their native mobile app for a PWA.

Is it yet another buzzword, you think? And what are progressive web apps, anyway? Read on to discover!

React Native: Two Years of Experience at CodeTiburon

React Native. Two years of experience at CodeTiburon
8 minutes
Ever since Facebook announced at F8 that React Native was open and available on GitHub early in 2015, the framework adoption rate has never slowed down. React Native, the next-gen of React (a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram), is one of those ‘treats’ few IT companies can go past without giving it a try. CodeTiburon wasn’t an exception. Inspired by success stories and eager to join the ever growing community, we decided to venture into the unknown.