Developing an On-Demand Delivery Mobile App Like Postmates

How to build an app like Postmates
18 minutes
In the dog-eat-dog world of food delivery services, the landscape changes often and drastically. But one company remains unscathed. It’s Postmates, a pioneer in on-demand delivery that’s been gaining a foothold on the US market all along. There’s a lot to learn from the company if you’re looking to develop a food delivery app. And the timing is perfect, too: venture capitalists have a wolfish appetite for food delivery service initiatives. So let’s delve in the gold mine of online food delivery opportunities.

React Native: Two Years of Experience at CodeTiburon

React Native. Two years of experience at CodeTiburon
8 minutes
Ever since Facebook announced at F8 that React Native was open and available on GitHub early in 2015, the framework adoption rate has never slowed down. React Native, the next-gen of React (a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram), is one of those ‘treats’ few IT companies can go past without giving it a try. CodeTiburon wasn’t an exception. Inspired by success stories and eager to join the ever growing community, we decided to venture into the unknown.

Microservices Architecture: to Build or Not to Build

Microservices architecture
16 minutes
There’s hardly a tech entrepreneur who has never heard of microservices, an emerging style of application development. However, with all the tech disruption, most concepts don’t go beyond a buzzword. So microservices architecture can ring as yet another overhyped idea to most of us. Okay, Netflix, Amazon, eBay have migrated to microservices. So what? What can beat the good old monolith? Life can. New business reality asks for more flexible, resilient, fault-tolerant, device-agnostic solutions, where complexity is an intrinsic hallmark of a system excellence. And the first step to excellence is awareness. In this post we’ll make a brief introduction to microservices architecture (MSA): its essence, good and bad, whether you need it, and how to implement it.