20 Potent (Not-too-Top) Secrets to Craft a Killer Landing Page That Converts

20 Potent (Not-too-top) Secrets to Craft a Killer Landing Page That Converts
23 minutes
You’re working 24/7 on your brainchild and put off creating a landing page. A lot of new businesses are like that – there’s no time to waste on silly landing pages. They’ve no resources to spare. But then comes the sweet moment to tell the world about your product. And with it, a host of questions. How to craft a page that converts? How to setup the process? What are the best design and copywriting practices? What to test? Let us spare your precious time and unveil some potent knowledge of creating a powerful landing page.

How to Build an App like Airbnb – the Lean Way

How to build an app like airbnb the lean way
19 minutes
On-demand economy has changed the way people perceive many things today, including travel and hospitality. That’s one of the reasons why companies like Airbnb get billion-dollar valuations in less than five years, while their business models and services are widely adopted across industries. In this article, we will provide shortcuts to building an app like Airbnb and discuss development options.

Top 5 Books Every Entrepreneur and Founder of Tech Startups Should Read

Books every tech startup founder should read
9 minutes
You are a visionary, eager to implement some groundbreaking ideas and build great products. Or perhaps, a tech enthusiast, totally aware of the fact that businesses of the future will be empowered by technology. Whichever is true, there are so many questions to answer and answers to challenge on the way to bringing your precious brainchild to life.