The Ultimate Guide to Face Recognition

The Ultimate Guide to Face Recognition
14 minutes
With the revolution of machine learning, a new trend has come to town and it is called face recognition. When Apple announced its FaceID feature, everyone started talking and thinking about implementing face recognition everywhere – business, mobile apps, medicine, retail, and whatnot. But how can you be sure this technology is what you need without its thorough understanding?

Best Machine Learning Applications: Examples of Apps For Your Ideas

Best machine learning application ideas for mobile apps
13 minutes
Needless to say, today’s app market is crowded and the demand for mobile app development is high. For the same reason, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. The truth is, with good marketing, you can get a user to download your app. But would they actually use it? That is the question worth pondering on. How can you make people stick with your mobile app?

The Ultimate Guide to Machine Learning in Mobile Apps

Machine learning for mobile apps
12 minutes
Today machine learning and artificial intelligence are everywhere. These modern technology trends are taking the world by storm. Mobile application development is the niche that can also benefit from using machine learning. You might be wondering: But what exactly is machine learning and how can I use it in my mobile app?