Content-Heavy Website? The Ways to Make It Cleaner (While Saying Everything That Matters)

content-heavy website_ways to make it cleaner
5 minutes
You’ve heard it many times that users don’t like clicking, scrolling and even don’t like reading. But what they definitely dislike is navigating through content-heavy and bulky websites. Your website is your business – it’s obvious you want to talk non-stop about it. Or write, or whatever other ways you may find to convey your message. Yet, poorly-organized content will affect its visual appeal. Often, it’s not even the size that makes your content bulky, but rather the way you segment your information and present it. Reducing your freshly-written content is always discouraging, so don’t hurry up to do it. Try visual and functional tactics instead.

How to Do Software Project Estimation: Our Techniques and Advice

Software project estimation practices at CodeTiburon
8 minutes
Nearly every software development project starts with one question: how much effort is this going to take in terms of time and money? Or simply put, ‘What’s the damage?’ Now, that’s a question easier asked than answered. Regardless of experience in software development, answering it ‘off the cuff’ is hardly ever possible. And here is what happens when you ask us for a quote.

Ecommerce Website Design: Modern Trends

ecommerce website design trends 2017
9 minutes
Trends in web design are ever changing. And people judge your website right on the first visit. Whether it’s a bar or pizza shop, users still love things that are beautifully designed. To achieve a compelling eCommerce website, it’s essential to be aware of trends in web design. Meanwhile, it’s solely a web designer’s prerogative to transform these mainstream ideas into something unique and appealing. A fascinating look of your site is worth a thousand online sales.